Gift Bag Made From A Magazine Page

A simple, easy to make gift bag using recycle materials.

Posted by milomade


This is based on an origami pattern which I have adapted. You can use any type of paper and also any size of paper.

The first one is tricky, but once you've made a few you get the hang of it.

See a video tutorial on my blog:


You Will Need (2 things)

  • 1 Metal Ruler
  • 1 Paper

Steps (20 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start with your piece of paper. I've used a page from a Chritmas catalogue, but you can use anything you like.

    Don't worry about the ripped rough edge as this will get hidden, so there's no need wasting time trimming this off.

  2. 2

    Take a metal ruler and place it along the long edge which isn't ripped.

  3. 3

    Then lift the paper against the ruler and form a crease along it's edge. You'll be left with a flap like this.

  4. 4

    Fold this edge down fully and then flip the paper over, so that the fold is on the other side facing down.

  5. 5

    The next step is to take the right edge and fold it over to towards the left. Don't fold it all the way over, go for about two thirds of the way across. This fold determines the width of the bag.

  6. 6

    Then take the right edge and fold this towards the right at the point where the right edge is from the previous fold. I hope that makes sense.

  7. 7

    Next you need to slip the left fold underneath the flap at the top.

  8. 8

    So what you're left with is this.

  9. 9

    The next thing to do is to take the bottom edge - in this case the one with the rough ripped edge, and fold it up towards the top edge. Leave about 0.5cm from the top edge.

  10. 10

    This is a side view showing you what I mean.

  11. 11

    Next tuck the ripped rough edge under the top flap.

  12. 12

    And push it all the way in until it's flat.

  13. 13

    So you're left with this.

  14. 14

    Next you need the metal ruler again. Line it up with the right hand edge and mark a notch with your thumbnail against the top edge.

    Do this on the left edge as well.

  15. 15

    You then need to line the ruler with the first notch and the bottom right corner. Fold up the corner and crease along the length of the ruler.

    Do this on the left edge too.

  16. 16

    You'll be left with this. It's a good idea at this stage to flip over the bag and do the previous step again to re-inforce the folds on the other side.

  17. 17

    If you now open up the bag you get this kind of shape. You now need to push the edges into the centre.

    Apologies for the blurry pic.

  18. 18

    So push the central fold in to create a kind of concertina effect.

    Apologies for the blurry pic.

  19. 19

    Flatten this edge down and then do the same to the other side.

    Apologies for the blurry pic.

  20. 20

    And that's it, you're done. You can then punch holes into the front and back of the bag and add a handle, or simple stick the edges with a sticker to seal the contents within.