Get Rid Of A Big Zit In 3 Days
Posted by luvinfashion
pretty cheap and easy
You Will Need (3 things)
- Honey
- Non Gel Toothpaste
- Face Soap
Steps (5 steps, 3 minutes)
do this when your going to go to sleep cuz u cant walk around with honey and toothpaste on your face... wash your face.
dry and moisturize, just do your normal routine. then put honey on the zit. make sure it is ACTUAL honey and not stuff with added things. I have cinnamin in mine, but thats optional. i think it works better though
in the morning, wash it off. If it didnt aalready have a head, it should now. Leave it for the day and dont pick at it.
the next night put some strong mint toothpaste (NON-GEL) on it and go to sleep. in the morning it should be gone, or at lease into a white head or black head, it its a whitehead, just squeee it out, other wise leave it
and there u go :D all gone!