Get Rid Of A Big Zit In 3 Days


Posted by luvinfashion


pretty cheap and easy


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Honey
  • Non Gel Toothpaste
  • Face Soap

Steps (5 steps, 3 minutes)

  1. 1

    do this when your going to go to sleep cuz u cant walk around with honey and toothpaste on your face... wash your face.

  2. 2

    dry and moisturize, just do your normal routine. then put honey on the zit. make sure it is ACTUAL honey and not stuff with added things. I have cinnamin in mine, but thats optional. i think it works better though

  3. 3

    in the morning, wash it off. If it didnt aalready have a head, it should now. Leave it for the day and dont pick at it.

  4. 4

    the next night put some strong mint toothpaste (NON-GEL) on it and go to sleep. in the morning it should be gone, or at lease into a white head or black head, it its a whitehead, just squeee it out, other wise leave it

  5. 5

    and there u go :D all gone!