• Posted by Lydia L.
Geometric puzzle made out of a cardboard box, painted, and cut up and glued on a canvas board.
Geometric puzzle made out of a cardboard box, painted, and cut up and glued on a canvas board.
First cut the box open so it is flat out and has no sides taped together.
Then measure a 12”x 16” rectangle and cut it out.
Using a ruler, draw random lines on the board so it becomes a geometric pattern. Cut the shapes out, but make sure to not scatter them around or it’ll lose its place in the puzzle.
Paint about half of the board with 3 coats of white paint and the other half with 1 coat of black paint. Since the board is darker in color, you need to use more coats of white paint to cover up the color of the board.
After the paint dries up, paint the board with acrylic gloss. It may seem blue on the outside but after it dries up the acrylic gloss becomes a clear glossy color.
While the acrylic gloss dries, paint the canvas board with the light colored paint. After the canvas board paint dries, place the geometric pieces on the board leaving a centimeter of space between each piece. Glue down the pieces using regular all purpose glue. After it dries you are done! Enjoy your cool artwork!