Geometric Kitchen Utensils

Geometric kitchen utensils

Posted by Sprinkle of cinnamon


Give your plain kitchen utensils a little makeover. Easy geometric kitchen utensils DIY.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Kitchen Utensils
  • Paint
  • Brushes
  • Painters Tape

Steps (5 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Place a piece of tape around the handle of each utensil separating the part where paint will be applied.

  2. 2

    Paint a coat of base white color over each handle. Leave to dry completely.

  3. 3

    Paint a coat of the lightest out of your colors over white, leave to dry. You may need to apply more coats to get full coverage.

  4. 4

    After the paint has dried completely start applying the tape creating geometric pattern. Parts covered with tape will stay the lightest color others will be painted over.

  5. 5

    Start painting the handles with the other two colors to create a nice pattern. Leave to dry completely and remove the tape.