Geometric Kitchen Utensils
Geometric kitchen utensils
Posted by Sprinkle of cinnamon
Give your plain kitchen utensils a little makeover. Easy geometric kitchen utensils DIY.
You Will Need (4 things)
- Kitchen Utensils
- Paint
- Brushes
- Painters Tape
Steps (5 steps, 30 minutes)
Place a piece of tape around the handle of each utensil separating the part where paint will be applied.
Paint a coat of base white color over each handle. Leave to dry completely.
Paint a coat of the lightest out of your colors over white, leave to dry. You may need to apply more coats to get full coverage.
After the paint has dried completely start applying the tape creating geometric pattern. Parts covered with tape will stay the lightest color others will be painted over.
Start painting the handles with the other two colors to create a nice pattern. Leave to dry completely and remove the tape.