Gelatine Plastic!

Create your own safe plastic that you can make into any shape

Posted by TrAceY :)



You Will Need (3 things)

  • Gelatin
  • Water
  • Food Dye

Steps (15 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    Buy a pack of gelatine powder. You can buy sheets but I've never worked with those so best buy powder.

  2. 2

    Here are the sachets inside. Empty 2 out into a bowl.
    Boil some water

  3. 3

    Pour in some water and mix.
    I'm not sure how much water to put in exactly but don't follow the instructions on the back of the box.
    Pour a little until it's pretty thick, not watery.

  4. 4

    Now let's take some food dye and put one drop into the mixture. Any colour will do.

  5. 5

    I added one drop of blue and because the mixture was already yellowish, it became aqua!

  6. 6

    Separate the mixture into shallow plates.
    Now you wait for it to set. This might take around 20mins or so.
    When it's ready, you'll be able to touch it without bits coming off on your finger.

  7. 7

    Take a small knife and start cutting out shapes!

  8. 8

    You can print off pictures, cut them out and trace around them if you want.
    I traced a guitar pick for this raindrop shape

  9. 9

    It's like gel, looks almost like glass in this colour

  10. 10

    Be very careful when taking the shape out.

  11. 11

    You can either take out the shape very gently or cut around the shape.
    If the shape is really delicate and thin, cut around it.

  12. 12

    I cut this out freehand a while ago and used the shape to trace out another one

  13. 13

    These are all the shapes I cut out...not very much compared to the wasted parts:/

    So you can skewer a hole into the top of a shape and when it's hardened, string onto a necklace or bracelet.

  14. 14

    -All the failed broken parts squashed into one ball.

  15. 15

    The shapes will dry out in a while and become thinner, harder and plastic like. This might take a few days