• Posted by SuperCool and Really Trendy
I went to a college class 4 jewelry....and yeah you know how we all get carried away like magpies buying loads of shinny stuff well here's what I did with some I had left over.
I went to a college class 4 jewelry....and yeah you know how we all get carried away like magpies buying loads of shinny stuff well here's what I did with some I had left over.
I turned the left over beads in2 garden jewelry! The light is one of those energy saving bulbs, so the piccies are a little dark! You could also use the beads made from plastic bottles in my How-2-Do making plastic bottle beads!
With the help of a box of buttons I also bought on a mad wim!(They only cost me £1)I would never b able to use them (at all)not even for old clothes. So I made them in2 long strands with beads in between to hang in my garden!(From the fence/tree/shed or just about any where! Hope you like them Ps they look better out side but it's 22.33 here n dark