Cut Out + Keep


A miniature garden with a miniature cat! • Posted by Knittin' Kitten

I wanted to make something nice for my mum for Christmas, and have always wanted to make a terrarium - it was as fun as I'd hoped! To make it extra special, I included a tiny cat figure painted like my mum's cat, Saskia.

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3 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 112823 2f2016 01 08 172525 20151216 160227 hdr


I wanted to make something nice for my mum for Christmas, and have always wanted to make a terrarium - it was as fun as I'd hoped! To make it extra special, I included a tiny cat figure painted like my mum's cat, Saskia.


  1. Small 112823 2f2016 01 08 172628 20151216 160248 hdr

    Pick out some nice plants that will look good and have similar light/watering requirements.

  2. Small 112823 2f2016 01 08 172636 20151216 160307 hdr

    Place small rocks in the bottom of the bowl, then cover with activated charcoal (this stuff gets everywhere, so be careful!)

  3. Small 112823 2f2016 01 08 173500 20151216 160248 hdr

    Cover it up with a layer of soil/compost, and carefully arrange the plants so they look good to you.

  4. Small 112823 2f2016 01 08 173445 20151216 154729 hdr

    Add in extra bits - I put in these psychedelic mushrooms!

  5. Small 112823 2f2016 01 08 173435 20151216 155505 hdr

    And a little version of Saskia. This was a plain white lego cat figure that I painted with ginger bits.

  6. Small 112823 2f2016 01 08 173407 index

    Here she is, for comparison

  7. Small 112823 2f2016 01 08 173549 20151216 160237 hdr

    Et voila!