Full Length T Shirt Dress (Tie Dyed)

Take 4 dingy t-shirts and turn them into an amazing dress for the beach

Posted by Mark Montano


You probably have a bunch of old t-shirts in the bottom of your drawer. Why not make this perfect beach cover up?


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Rubber bands
  • Sewing Machine
  • 4 T- Shirts
  • Rit Liquid Dye

Steps (9 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    Cut off the bottom hem and sleeve hems of shirt 1.

  2. 2

    Fold shirt 2 in half down the center and place the sleeve of shirt on the fold just below the neckline
    Trace a sleeve extension from the cut sleeve down to the hem of shirt 2 as shown
    Cut along your lines

  3. 3

    Cut across the chest of shirt 3 right under the sleeves
    Also cut off the hem of shirt 3
    This will be the mid-section of the dress

  4. 4

    Cut across the chest of shirt 4, right under the arms. Do not cut off the hem. The hem of this shirt will be the hem of the dress

  5. 5

    Time to stitch the sleeves together

  6. 6

    Fold your sleeves right sides together and stitch the edges together using 1/2" seam allowance
    Putting right sides together, match the seams and the raw edges and stitch them together.

  7. 7

    Stitch shirt 3 to the bottom of shirt 1
    Stitch the raw edge of shirt for to the bottom of shirt 3

  8. 8

    Watch the video tutorial here:

  9. 9

    Pick your dye color
    Tie rubber bands around the dress
    Dye and rinse until the water runs clear
    Wash and dry your new dress