Cut Out + Keep

Front Slit Box Pleat High waisted Jean Skirt

Create a fun and easy front slit skirt with a bow. • Posted by Kenisha y.

This tutorial is pretty easy and fun to make. The fun part about it is that you can change the color inside the skirt.

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1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 104053 2f2014 08 24 184408 image


This tutorial is pretty easy and fun to make. The fun part about it is that you can change the color inside the skirt.


  1. We will be completing two types of pleats; Inside pleats Outside pleats

  2. Small 104053 2f2014 08 25 201322 img 20140816 160451

    •Measurements will be in cm •Get a zip that will not unzip easily. (When the handle is pressed flat it secures it from moving down) make sure that it is secure before you buy it. •For the length of the skirt , measure from your waist to your desired length. and add 3cm •The width of the cloth will be your waist measurement x2 and then add 40. •If you wont be using the full length of the fabric, then you should have enough for the bow

  3. Small 104053 2f2014 08 25 201956 img 20140816 160451

    Take the measurements of your waist, Divide your actual measurement by 9. Therefore you will have nine box pleats in your skirt. Your waist measurement divided by 9 will be the outside pleats. Eg. My measurement is 90 cm (Yes, I'm a bit chunky) 90/9= 10 cm = my outside pleat width

  4. Small 104053 2f2014 08 25 201753 20140817 154300

    In order to get your skirt full, you will need pleats in the inside (This will be the Inside pleats)

  5. Before we start, make sure that the length and width are as stated in the tips section. Bend the part that is going to be the bottom of the skirt by 1cm and sew accross. For the first pleat, leave one cm allowance for the zipper. The first pleat width will be divided by two Eg. My outside pleat width /2 = 10/2 = 5 add 1cm to it therefore 5 + 1cm allowance = 6cm for me (Do not mistake my measurements for yours)

  6. Small 104053 2f2014 08 25 202254 20140824 104636

    Mark your measurement that you have just taken on the cloth with a pin. From that mark, add 4cm + your pleat width. Eg My pleat width + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14 cm (my Inside pleat width) I marked this after the last pin. Connect the second mark with the first and attach it with apin . Take another "outside with pleat" width measurement, mark it with a pin, then take the "inside pleat with" and connect. Do this 6 more times and finish up the other half of the last pleat, leaving 1cm allowance. Don't forget the last pleat will be in half.

  7. Small 104053 2f2014 08 25 215742 20140824 104834

    Sew 7cm down on each connected marks and make sure to have a firm ending stitch. Open the inside pleats, making sure that each side is equal.

  8. Small 104053 2f2014 08 25 215810 20140824 104913

    Zig zag stitch along the top of the skirt, and then bend the top inside to about 2 cm and sew along (I like to iron my seam and inside pleats to keep it firm) Adding the zip:The length of your zip should be12cm long EG. If your zip is 15 cm then measure the twelve and leave over the three at the top of the skirt Zig zag stitch along the top of the skirt, and then bend the top inside to about 2 cm and sew along (I like to iron my seam and inside pleats to keep it firm)

  9. Small 20140824 105017

    Adding the zip: The length of your zip should be12cm long EG. If your zip is 15 cm then measure the twelve and leave over the three at the top of the skirt make sure that the back of the zip is on the right side of the cloth and sew along. Flip open the zipper and sew along as well. When you are finished bend the zip and sew the extra piece inside of the skirt , making sure that it does not show. Take two cm from the bottom of the skirt where the split is, align it with the end of the skirt and sew along. It should look like a slant . The more you sew up the smaller the seam gets.

  10. Small 20140824 105055

    Flip open the zipper and sew along as well. When you are finished bend the zip and sew the extra piece inside of the skirt , making sure that it does not show. The bow: There are a lot of bow tutorials online. Mix it up however you like. Add some bling, a ribbon or keep it simple like mine

  11. Small 20140824 105346

    When you are finished bend the zip and sew the extra piece inside of the skirt , making sure that it does not show.

  12. The bow: There are a lot of bow tutorials online. Mix it up however you like. Add some bling, a ribbon or keep it simple like mine

  13. Small 104053 2f2014 08 25 221809 img 20140816 160451

    More Fun Diy's will be coming soon. Stay updated on my blog ( In my profile link)