From Torn Pants To Puppets, With The Kids.

How to turn torn pants into hand puppets. A fun afternoon with the kids.

Posted by danit


Cover the table with paper. Bring up the torn pants, scissors, glue, sewing material, buttons, fabric, markers, and anything else you can think of or would like to use. Don't forget two creative children, and you are set to go.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 Torn Pants
  • Needle , Thread And Scissors
  • Glue
  • Button(s)
  • Scrap Fabric
  • Sharpie

Steps (9 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    We had these purple pants with a rip at the knee. I loved their color and the feeling of the fabric, so I decided me and the kids can turn them into hand puppets.

  2. 2

    We draw the shape of the puppet around the hand, making sure it is the right size.

  3. 3

    The kids added facial features and decorated.

  4. 4

    and every thing was glued to its place.

  5. 5

    Then I cut around the line, leaving an extra space.
    I left the bottom of the pants uncut, using the hem to hold everything together.

  6. 6

    Turn it over and sew everything in place. This way you can wash the puppet in the washing machine.
    I hand saw as I don't have a sawing machine, but if you do, use it, it will be much stronger and quicker.
    This stage was done without the kids.

  7. 7

    When everything is sewn in place, turn it back again. The red hair was glued on top and sewn as well.

  8. 8

    The alien mouth was cut and a black fabric was glued behind and sewn, on step 5. His nose is only attached at the top line so it can wiggle.
    His eye is a wiggling eye button.

  9. 9

    Now play!