• Posted by japaya
Arm yourself with a bit of patiente and you´ll have better results ^^ Sorry I don´t have step by step pics! Here I show you a necklace and a pair of earrings.
Arm yourself with a bit of patiente and you´ll have better results ^^ Sorry I don´t have step by step pics! Here I show you a necklace and a pair of earrings.
-Choose your material, it will work with old flyers, magazines covers, cardboard food boxes...
-You´ll need from 6 to 8 pieces for each bead. If you want circular beads (like the earrings ones) you´ll have to cut 6/8 circles of your desired size (but all equals). If you want tube beads (like the necklace ones) you´ll need to cut 6/8 rectangles of your desired size.
-When you have all your circles/rectangles cutted, fold them in halves.
-Glue them forming the bead. Be carefull, you must leave space in the middle so the thread can go in!