Cut Out + Keep

Froggy Hat!

So cute, everyone will want to kiss you. • Posted by dæglo

Another animal hat! This is my original design for a Froggy Hat! It's a little different from my other animal hats I've posted here so far since I pulled the corners in and sewed them to give them a more rounded look (instead of pointy, like for the cat and owl hats). Also, I crocheted rounds and sewed them to the back with a yarn needle, for that coveted "warty" look. :P As per my usual method, felt patches were Tacky Glued on and then sewed on with embroidery floss once dried. Again, apologies for the bad photography. Hope you like it anyway!

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Project Budget


4 h 00


Medium dsc01300 1291513507 Medium dsc01298 1291513522 Medium dsc01339 1291513544 Medium dsc01340 1291513554 Medium dsc01341 1291513565 Medium dsc01342 1291513570


Another animal hat! This is my original design for a Froggy Hat! It's a little different from my other animal hats I've posted here so far since I pulled the corners in and sewed them to give them a more rounded look (instead of pointy, like for the cat and owl hats). Also, I crocheted rounds and sewed them to the back with a yarn needle, for that coveted "warty" look. :P As per my usual method, felt patches were Tacky Glued on and then sewed on with embroidery floss once dried. Again, apologies for the bad photography. Hope you like it anyway!
