The basics for doing frienship bracelets.
Friendship bracelets are always fun to make and a great gift for best friends. This is my first How-to and I'm very excited. I hope you guys like it. Sorry for the blurry pictures but my camera really shucks. I took like a million pictures and chose the less blurry ones. If anyone has questions about a step or anything else don't hesitate to ask.
crochetmommie added Friendship Bracelet Basics to Jewelry Tutorials 07 Oct 08:49
You Will Need
Step 1
The first step is to chose your colors. Cut 60 inches of each color.
Step 2
There are 4 basic knots you'll use for making floss friendship bracelets.
Step 3
To make a Forward Knot, start with the thread on the left (blue).
Lay the thread on top of the right thread (yellow). This should make the number “4”.
Loop the left thread (blue) under the right thread (yellow) and pull upwards.
** Repeat to finish the knot. The left thread will now be on the right.
Step 4
The Backward Knot starts on the right and moves left.
Lay the right thread (red) on top of the left (yellow).
Loop the right thread under the left and pull upwards.
**Repeat to finish the knot. The right thread will now be on the left.
Step 5
Forward-Backward Knot (FB):
This knot starts with the first loop of the forward knot and ends with the backward knot. This means that the thread on the left will stay on the left when the knot is completed.
Step 6
Backward-Forward Knot (BF):
This knot is reverse of the FB knot. It starts with the backward knot and finishes with the forward knot. The right thread will stay on the right.
Step 7
Once you have decided on the bracelet pattern and color scheme, measure the strands to the desired length and cut.
Lay the strands together, lining their centers up.
Fold the strands in half and make a knot at the center, leaving a loop. I use a pencil to make the loop.
This loop will be used to tie the bracelet when complete.Lay out the strands in the order the pattern suggests.
Try different variations of color patterns to see which looks best to you. You can then begin knotting.
Step 8
Finishing Your Friendship Bracelet
After reaching the desired length of your bracelet, separate the strands into 2 equal groups.
Braid each group to at least 4 inches and put a knot at the bottom. Pull the strands to tighten the knots.
Trim the remaining strands. The braids can be shortened after the bracelet is on the wrist, if they are too long.
Step 9
To fasten on the wrist, lay your wrist on the bracelet. Pull one braid through the loop and tie to the other braid. You are finished!
Step 10
Friendship Bracelet Tips:
* The most important thing to remember when making friendship bracelets is to keep consistent tension on the threads in use. It is a matter of personal preference on how tight you want it, but it should not be too loose, the bracelet could fall apart.
* If the bracelet seems too tight, don’t worry. It will loosen after repeated wearings.
* Remember, the longer and more complex the bracelet pattern, the more thread you will need. Sixty inches per strand is the minimum you will need. Often, you will need a longer strand of one color than another.
* Leave at least 6 inches for the braids.
* If your bracelet curls, the knots may be too tight. Even tension, not too tight is the key.
* For curling that just won't stop, try ironing lightly using steam, but don't press too too hard with the iron- you'll flatten the knots.
* Take your time, and don't get frustrated. Practice makes perfect.
* It is ok if you make a mistake, as long as you detect it quickly. The knots can be taken out.
* Don’t be afraid to experiment with knots and colors. You never know when a masterpiece might be created!
* Have fun! I hope you enjoyed these friendship bracelet instructions!