ALRIGHT, THIS IS AMAZING! SERIOUSLY! I'm doing it right now, just practicing with some extra yarn I had lying around... and its SO SATISFYING when your just moving around some yarn and this AMAZINGNESS comes out the other end! its like... its digesting the mess and ... well... yea.
Addicting! Thank you so much for this! lol
Insomnia + post tonsillectomy [having to stay in the house]= EXTREME boredom, and you have just helped cure that Awesome
wow, this is such an interesting idea for how to make these! I've never thought of using.. like... a board or any kind of holder to create bracelets They are really cool. I'll totally try it out
I'm making them too!! You can make so many colour combinations with it! And the heartpattern is indeed really cool. (the official name for this is kumihimo btw) ^^
btw veryy cool
do you know what 1-2 centimeter would be in inches??? i'm not sure if i have a metric ruler
i never thought of actually making the template itself that's kinda smart ;)
they're awesome!
Addicting! Thank you so much for this! lol
Insomnia + post tonsillectomy [having to stay in the house]= EXTREME boredom, and you have just helped cure that Awesome
thanks a lot!!