Friendly Plastic Pendant

Button and Friendly plastic pendant on leather thong

Posted by Joanne C.


This is a great project to use up small pieces of friendly plastic. I used a large button for this project, approx 5 cm across. I threaded the chord through two holes in the button and placed the button in the centre of the chord. I then took my heat mat and melted friendly plastic strips on to the button making sure that some of the plastic melted over the chord to secure the chord in place. Once cooled I re-sized the chord to the desired length and then added the jewellery findings to each end of the chord.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 50 cm matching Leather Cord
  • 5 x Friendly Plastic s Strips
  • 1 x Large Button
  • 1 x Claw style Jewelry Findings