Cut Out + Keep

French Fry Costume

cute kids costume FRENCH FRY the kids in the neighborhood loved it • Posted by Brittnie R.

cut flaps off box cut poster board to box pattern front,sides,back cut box to fry box shape, dips in the front OPTIONAL cut holes and tape around openings of holes for string insert string for shoulder strap to hold box up use spray adhesive on the posterboard and also adhere the M on front of box inside of box place foam frys all through out on different directions and raised @ different lengths use spray adhesive to adhere foam in box

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium isaac fry 1320782974


cut flaps off box cut poster board to box pattern front,sides,back cut box to fry box shape, dips in the front OPTIONAL cut holes and tape around openings of holes for string insert string for shoulder strap to hold box up use spray adhesive on the posterboard and also adhere the M on front of box inside of box place foam frys all through out on different directions and raised @ different lengths use spray adhesive to adhere foam in box
