Freezer Paper Stencil Shirt
Usually I make shirts with puffy paint but i decided to try out fabric paint... i think i like it more! i made the stencils myself using photoshop
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BabyRhino posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Cheshunt, England, GB
58 projects
yeah, thats kickass!
![Mistress Apathy](https://images.coplusk.net/users/16666/avatar/normal_square_avatar.jpg)
Mistress Apathy
Clifton, New Jersey, US
25 projects
ok ive looked for freezer paper everywhere and they dont sell it here. Where did you get it? Does it have any other names?
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
12 projects
I like the first shirt..it's neat!
Toronto, Ontario, CA
Love it