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Frankenstein Marshmallow Cookies

*Dr Frankenstein voice* OMG they are good • Posted by Laura

These cookies were an idea from my husband, he took some frankenstein cookies and added a marshmallow between them.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 0363 Medium 100 0364


These cookies were an idea from my husband, he took some frankenstein cookies and added a marshmallow between them.


  1. First you need your cookies, you can use any you want. I made my frankenstein cookies for these, you can find the recipe here.

  2. Make your marshmallow, I use this recipe

  3. Spoon a little marshmallow onto a cookie and gently place another cookie on top. No need to press down as the marshmallow is soft and will easily spread out as it sets.

  4. Melt your chocolate and using a spoon drizzle it over the cookies.