Framed Poem: The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...

Posted by Darce


I've always had a hard time with poetry. Call me dense, but sometimes I just don't get the underlying message behind a poem. However, this poem has been one of my favorites since high school. It just reminds me not to worry so much about if I made the right decisions. Now I can see it as everyday inspiration from my kitchen wall!

I printed a copy of the poem, slightly small than the size of the frame I had stashed in a box. Then I used an old map of Atlanta, GA as the background. That's not where I'm from...but again just what I had laying around. I crinkled the printer paper a little bit, just because it looked a little TOO neat in that frame. Love it!


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Picture Frame
  • Printer
  • Map(s)