Fortune Cookie Plushie
Carry your luck with you!
Posted by K
All you need is a yellow felt circle and some thread!
You Will Need (4 things)
- Black Thread
- Yellow Thread
- Needle
- Yellow Felt
Steps (7 steps, 30 minutes)
Cut out a circle from your felt. Any size you like, but remember, the smaller the circle, the smaller the fortune cookie, etc.
Fold the circle in half and begin stitching it together with the yellow thread. (This is the inside.)
When you get to a point where it will be easiest for you to turn your piece onto it's right side, stop stitching. Turn the piece inside out.
Stuff the semi-circle.
Finish stitching the rest of the fortune cookie so it's fully closed all the way round.
Now, fold your stuffed semi-circle in half and stitch a couple of stitches in the mid point of the two "legs" so they join together unnoticeably.
You can embroider a cute face on your fortune cookie in black thread.
(Here's some examples.)
And there you have it - your very own lucky fortune cookie!
(You could attach this to a keyring or a brooch.)