• Posted by Mark Montano
Make a beautiful Fornasetti inspired chair using an inexpensive Ikea chair.
Make a beautiful Fornasetti inspired chair using an inexpensive Ikea chair.
Ikea Chair Clip art images of your choice E-6000 Spray Adhesive Black Krylon spray paint Americana Multi Surface Satin Paint in Gold Krylon metallic gold paint pen Minwax Polycrylic Spray water bottle Paintbrush
Spray paint your chair black Cut out your clip art Spray the front of your clip art pieces with water Spray the back of your clip art pieces with E-6000 Spray Adhesive
Adhere the images on your chair and flatten with a dry cloth *This will also take off some of the moisture When the images are dry, carefully edge the chair with a gold Krylon paint pen Using Gold Americana Multi Surface Satin, tape and paint 3" up on the foot of each leg
See the video tutorial here:
Image of Lina Cavalieri to print out.