• Posted by mock turtle
a nice and simple tut for jazzing up an old tee ^^ gather up all the stuff you need, stick on some awesome music (i chose Kaya) and you can begin =D
a nice and simple tut for jazzing up an old tee ^^ gather up all the stuff you need, stick on some awesome music (i chose Kaya) and you can begin =D
first find an old tee, its better that its old because then it won't matter so much if it gets messed up somehow ^^ as you can see from the photo that mine is very old '>.>
next find a piccie that you like. this is the one i chose after i traced it and cut it out.
trace the shape onto the felt and cut them out
postion the birdies (or whatever) on your tee, don't they look pretty? at this stage i also pinned them on, this is optional i just suck at sewing straight ^^;
sew them on and prepare yourself for compliments! told you it was simple ;D