For The Birds

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Posted by mock turtle


a nice and simple tut for jazzing up an old tee ^^

gather up all the stuff you need, stick on some awesome music (i chose Kaya) and you can begin =D


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Scissors
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Template
  • Felt
  • T Shirt

Steps (5 steps, 50 minutes)

  1. 1

    first find an old tee, its better that its old because then it won't matter so much if it gets messed up somehow ^^

    as you can see from the photo that mine is very old '>.>

  2. 2

    next find a piccie that you like.
    this is the one i chose after i traced it and cut it out.

  3. 3

    trace the shape onto the felt and cut them out

  4. 4

    postion the birdies (or whatever) on your tee, don't they look pretty?

    at this stage i also pinned them on, this is optional i just suck at sewing straight ^^;

  5. 5

    sew them on and prepare yourself for compliments!

    told you it was simple ;D