Food Photographs

photos of food i cooked

Posted by Suzi P.


hi person who's reading this,
i took some pictures of dinner and lunch a couple of times to practice photography. it's really frustrating if you bake or cook something and are too bad at photography to make pretty pictures of if you've got tips for me to improve, i'd love to hear them.
xo, suzi

ps; the photos are of food i made. the food;
- noodles with beef & cucomber salad and some dried shiitake mushrooms as props
- focaccia with oil & vinegar, i didn't make the focaccia though, that was storebought
- potato cakes/cookies. i have no idea what they're called, as i made them up as i went along.

thanks for checking out the project (:


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Food
  • Camera