Cut Out + Keep

"Folk Magic" Onion Cough Syrup

"Folk Magic" Onion Cough Syrup (or would also make a great Halloween prop!) • Posted by KMOM14

I ran across this while surfing and as I had read in magazines before of onions having an antibacterial property, thought I would try making some of this:

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I ran across this while surfing and as I had read in magazines before of onions having an antibacterial property, thought I would try making some of this:


  1. Small chop 2bup 2bonion

    Peel the onion and chop it into slices:

  2. Small layering 2bonion 2band 2bsugar 2bin 2bjar

    Alternate layering the onion and the sugar in the jar

  3. Small layered 2bin 2bjar 2bday 2b1

    Continue layering until all of the onion and sugar are in the jar. Cover with a lid and leave on the counter for 1 to 2 days then store the syrup in the refrigerator.

  4. Small fm 2bonion 2bsludge

    I wasn't sure if the onions were to be strained out of not and left a message on Myrnie's blog and she was kind enough to leave me a comment on mine. "I hope the onion syrup worked well for you- if you don't like the taste, garlic or ginger also work well (I've heard.)Yes, strain the onions out before you put this in the refrigerator." This is what it looked like at Day 2 before I strained out the onions. It looks like some sort of exotic ingredient an alchemist of a witch would use and it does smell bad when you open it. This would be a great prop for a Halloween party. It does smell bad but it doesn't taste that bad due to the sugar and it did seem to help with (I used 2 TBSP) with congestion.