• Posted by Cat Morley
So the idea for this goes to Tesco, they had these delicious wraps but, like with all my favorite food, it got discontinued (I think my club card is cursed). Anyway, I decided I'd use my own recipes and come up with my own and it tasted just as good, if not better! Anyway, a few of you asked for the how-to, so here it is.
So the idea for this goes to Tesco, they had these delicious wraps but, like with all my favorite food, it got discontinued (I think my club card is cursed). Anyway, I decided I'd use my own recipes and come up with my own and it tasted just as good, if not better! Anyway, a few of you asked for the how-to, so here it is.
Put a pan on and cook your cous-cous to the usual recipe on the back of the packet. Chop up a pepper and put under the grill for 10 minutes.
Lay a tortilla bread flat on a plate.
Spread the top right hand corner of the bread with your favorite flavor of houmous, you can use my recipe here - <a href=""></a>.
Place a few tablespoons of the cooked cous-cous on the top left hand corner. Fold the bottom of the bread up and squash so that it's flat.
Mix together the grilled peppers with several tablespoons of salsa. You can use my salsa recipe for this here - <a href=""></a>. Sprinkle with mixed herbs and mix together.
Place a couple tablespoons of the peppers to one side of the folded wrap.
Fold the other half over and squish flat so that you're left with a cone.
You can eat the wraps straight or toast them, I like them toasted. Yum!