Cut Out + Keep

Fly Stitch

Mandalas to Embroider • Posted by Search Press

Little V- or Y-shapes used for decorative edging, as fillers or for spiky petals.

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0 h 01


Nice & Simple
Medium 2018 02 19 175912 screen%2bshot%2b2018 02 19%2bat%2b17.58.44 Medium 2018 02 19 175920 screen%2bshot%2b2018 02 19%2bat%2b17.58.34


Little V- or Y-shapes used for decorative edging, as fillers or for spiky petals.


  1. Small 2018 02 19 180033 screen%2bshot%2b2018 02 19%2bat%2b17.59.40

    Bring the needle up at A and down at B. Don’t pull the thread too tightly to leave a small loop. Bring the needle up at C – where you want your the base of your ‘V’ or bowl of the ‘Y’ – and loop it over the stitch you made between A and B.

  2. Small 2018 02 19 180115 screen%2bshot%2b2018 02 19%2bat%2b18.00.46

    Now pull the thread to tighten the ‘V’ or ‘Y’ shape. Take the needle back down to D to make a ‘Y’; for the ‘V’, only take it just below point C, which will then complete the stitch.