Pretty flowers to brighten your day!
This is a nice, simple collage technique for making deightful flower badges (aka pins, buttons).
These will brighten your day and also make great presents!
Notes on equipment:
I'm lucky to have a badge-maker, which does make it easier.
However look out for some great tutorials on this site for ideas for making badges without a badge-maker!
Other alternatives: hire one, borrow one, or buy a kiddies one (I once saw an online video showing great results from a cheap plastic kiddies badge-maker)
Notes on time:
I use magazines and newspapers for my collages which means the time taken really varies according to whether I find what I want, and how quickly!
I like the element of chance involved...
I've put 50 minutes but it could take much less time, or it could take longer.
Kimya J. favorited Flower Collage Badge (Pin, Button) 03 May 04:35
You Will Need
Step 8
Gather together your badge materials:
- metal support
- plastic backing
- pin
- mylar cover(For a simple badge made without a machine you could glue the flower onto a card backing and add a pin - as I mentioned in my intro, there are some great tutorials with these kinds of techniques available on Cut Out and Keep!)