Cut Out + Keep

Flower Purse

purse • Posted by Julia E.

A small romantic purse

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 30


Medium 2014 04 06 113751 purse 20022 Medium 2014 04 06 113755 purse 20023


A small romantic purse


  1. Small 2014 04 06 113835 purse 20001

    You ll need:

  2. Small 2014 04 06 113853 purse 20005

    Draw a pattern (using the purse clip) and cut it out

  3. Small 2014 04 06 114059 purse 20009

    Cut out the shape twice (for outer as well as for inner part) and measure where the clip ends (only these 2 parts are supposed to be sewn together!)

  4. Small 2014 04 06 114406 purse 20012

    Now it is time for flowers! Cut out a circle (twice as big as the flower is supposed to be)

  5. Small 2014 04 06 114547 bez 20n c3 a1zvu

    Then sew along the bended edge (using normal stitch (so it is possible to tight it (e.g. as a PE sack ;))

  6. Small 2014 04 06 114845 222

    Tie a knot on the end and sew it on the outer part ;)

  7. Small 2014 04 06 114933 purse 20019

    Sew the inner and the outer part together.

  8. Small 2014 04 06 115011 purse 20021

    Pin the clip on the rest and sew it (using little thicker threat)

  9. Small 2014 04 06 115050 purse 20023

    You are done!