Flower Power = Crocs ^.^

Boring black crocs -_- ?...Not any more :)

Posted by Nomycookie^^



You Will Need (2 things)

  • Paint Brush
  • Acrylic Paint

Steps (6 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    First grab an old pair of boring old crocs you probably never wear, a paint brush.....

  2. 2

    ....and your white acrylic paint

  3. 3

    Once you've painted your crocs
    white you need to start on your second coating of paint :).....

  4. 4

    So, you've finished your white base...
    get your primary coloured paints out and start mixing them to create the different colours you want ect... pink,yellow,green.... :)

  5. 5

    Start to paint and outline of your purdy flowers :D

    Keep on doin this until you have more or less covered the whole shoe leaving some white spaces....

  6. 6

    Paint your flowers, let them dry and...
