Cut Out + Keep

Floral Quote Artwork

Super easy and gorgeous floral quote artwork • Posted by Stephanie H.

Homemade artwork is a great way to add personality to your home. When I saw some stunning floral pages in a magazine I knew just what to do with them. Learn how to make this really easy floral quote artwork for your home.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium floral quote Medium paper


Homemade artwork is a great way to add personality to your home. When I saw some stunning floral pages in a magazine I knew just what to do with them. Learn how to make this really easy floral quote artwork for your home.


  1. Small printout

    Start by downloading the quote PDF and printing it out on one sheet of the kraft paper (side note: if you are going to use your own quote make sure to use a bold font that will be easy to cut out)

  2. Small cutout

    Start cutting out the letters of your quote using your blade

  3. Once all your letters are cutout place the magazine page behind it so you see the image you want through the cutout letters. Trim page if necessary (I used two different magazine pages and trimmed them to cover my quote as the one sheet had text on that I didn't want showing through my letters).

  4. Small tape

    Line the back of your cutout kraft paper with double sided tape (try get it as close to the text as possible...the more tape the better I always say)

  5. Small paste

    Peel off the tapes backing and stick the magazine page to the kraft paper. Make sure that you stick the page image side down so that you see the image you want through the letters.

  6. Using more of the double sided tape stick the second sheet of kraft paper behind the magazine paper. This will make your "print" more sturdy and stop the magazine paper from peeling off. Plus it makes it less transparent...bonus!