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Floral Monogram Illustration Tutorial

Make a watercolor floral monoram illustration in the alphabet of your choice. • Posted by Zakkiya H.

Make a floral monogram with the letter of your choice using watercolors and your favorite flower. In this tutorial, I have illustrated how to do so using the letter "C".

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Medium 108151 2f2015 03 24 073857 floral monogram tutorial 18


Make a floral monogram with the letter of your choice using watercolors and your favorite flower. In this tutorial, I have illustrated how to do so using the letter "C".


  1. Small 108151 2f2015 03 24 074138 floral monogram illustration 0

    Using the circular lid, draw half a circle to form the letter C lightly using a pencil.

  2. Small 108151 2f2015 03 24 074151 floral monogram tutorial 3

    Start drawing leaves and flowers from one end of the half circle.

  3. Small 108151 2f2015 03 24 074158 floral monogram tutorial 4

    Complete till you see the formation of the letter C.Vary the directions of the leaves and flowers.

  4. Small 108151 2f2015 03 24 074212 floral monogram tutorial 6

    Paint the leaves with the color o your choice. I've used the color purple to divert from the usual green.

  5. Small 108151 2f2015 03 24 074237 floral monogram tutorial 7

    A tip to drawing a ranunculus flower is to fill in the flower completely with paint. You will see the pencil guides show through.Using white acrylic ink paint over the pencil guide to see the petal layers form.Finish with a darkened centre.

  6. Small 108151 2f2015 03 24 074257 floral monogram tutorial 11

    Join the leaves and flowers with stems joining everything together.

  7. Small 108151 2f2015 03 24 074308 floral monogram illustration cg

    There you have it! You're finished floral monogram.