This is an easy way to make a blanket (or "blankie" as I used to call it) for kids. I made this one for my cousn's little girl, Mia.
This is an easy way to make a blanket (or "blankie" as I used to call it) for kids. I made this one for my cousn's little girl, Mia.
All you need is to 1 yd of fabric or a fabric quilt panel for the front and one yard of fleece for the back. For the front I chose the motorcycle panel because my cousin is into motorcycle (and so am I) and hoping she will like them too when she is older.
You lie the fabric with the backsides together, but so both are the same width/length. You then want to pin it all way around about 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 inches around to know how far to cut in for your fringe. The width of the fringe itself was not measured in this case, but here is what it looked like.
All you do is tie the two pieces of fringe (top and bottom) together all the way around. To keep it together, you need to stitch close to where you tied the knots