• Posted by Cheryl@Sew Can Do
These mittens will fit most children between ages 4-8. Use my printable PDF pattern to make it super easy (can be enlarged for adults). Note: Set printer so it is actual size, not to scale.
These mittens will fit most children between ages 4-8. Use my printable PDF pattern to make it super easy (can be enlarged for adults). Note: Set printer so it is actual size, not to scale.
Cut out pattern pieces from the folded piece of mitten fabric so that you have two mirrored pieces of each mitten part.
Mark eye placement on top pieces. To mark the quill placement, measure inward 4 inches from pointed side draw a perpendicular line. Measure another .5 inches to the right and draw another line. Repeat 3 more times. Cut out 10 strips from the brown fleece that are 3 inches wide by 4.5 inches high and mark each one down the middle. Place the first one's line over the line on the mitten top and stitch together on the line:
Fold the brown strip towards the left and repeat with the other strips and repeat on the other mitten. Set the eyes on the markings according to the maker's instructions.
Then fold each mitten top over like shown with the first strip folded out. Hold a ruler over it's seam (to avoid cutting it) and then cut .5 inch strips to make the quills. Repeat with remaining brown strips, one section at a time.
Now take the large thumb piece and with right sides facing pin it along one side of a mitten top. Pin this piece to the opposite side of the other mitten top (so you don't end up with two mittens for the same hand!)
Now take the mitten bottom pieces and with right sides facing pin the small thumb pieces along the curve like this. Do the same for the top and bottom lining pieces for both mittens
With right sides facing, pin the top and bottom pieces for both the outer & lining mittens together. Stitch together with a 1/4 inch seam allowance leaving the cuff ends open. Turn the outer mittens right side out.
Insert the lining into the outer mittens and fold the raw edges of the cuffs inward 1/2 inch and pin together. You can either machine stitch around 1/8 inch from the cuff edge or ladder stitch them together by hand. Hand sew the pom-pom nose on to each mitten. Now hands can be cosy warm and cute too!