Cut Out + Keep

Fizzy Bath Bombs

The Bath Bomb is great gift and while it takes time to make, the result is a blast. • Posted by Steven James

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Medium finishedbb.223140107 large 1250813820



  1. Small pulsecoarsetwo.223140533 large

    To make a basic Bath Bomb you’ll need the following dry ingredients: 1 cup baking soda 1/2 cup fine citric acid 1/2 cup corn starch 1/2 cup fine Epsom salt (optional) Use a small food processor to grind coarse ingredients.

  2. Small sweet almond oil small.223141650 large

    In a spray bottle mix: 2 1/2 Tablespoons of Sweet Almond Oil 3/4 Tablespoon water and liquid glycerin 1/2 teaspoon of Essential Oil 1/4 teaspoon of Borax

  3. Small sift.223141426 large

    Thoroughly combine dry ingredients into a large bowl. Stir the remaining ingredients in small measuring cup, if desired add colorant to the mix. Pour wet ingredients into spray bottle and shake to mix.

  4. Small mist.223141440 large

    This is the crucial stage in the creation of a bath bomb: mist dry ingredients to moisten, applying too much moisture will start the fizzy reaction.

  5. Small sandtexture.223141544 large

    Moisten mixture enough to look and feel like wet sand, so when worked with it holds a shape.

  6. Small fillmold.223140413 large

    Press mix into one half of the mold, repeat with other half, place more of the mix between the halves and press together. Wait a few minutes and without twisting gently remove one half of the mold. Turn the mold over, allow bomb to pop out of the mold.

  7. Small bombmold.223140436 large

    Place on a kitchen towel and allow to dry overnight and possibly several days. If the air is humid, a fan helps to dry bomb. Once dry, wrap bomb in tissue paper. Crush dud bombs that fall apart while drying and give as fizzy bath salts.

  8. Small finishedbb.223140107 large

    The Bath Bomb is great gift and while it takes time to make, the result is a blast. Citric acid is the ingredient that causes the fizzing. Use finely ground citric acid to make a successful bomb.