Cut Out + Keep

Five Minute Dip Dye Dress

Simple dip dye dress in just ten minutes. • Posted by Lauren W.

It’s Lauren, and I'm back with the fastest project yet – a simple dip dye DIY. The entire process (minus drying time) takes roughly five minutes to accomplish. Let’s get to it!

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0 h 05


Pretty Easy
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It’s Lauren, and I'm back with the fastest project yet – a simple dip dye DIY. The entire process (minus drying time) takes roughly five minutes to accomplish. Let’s get to it!


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    What you need: A dress or skirt to dye, a one quart sized plastic storage bag, an iron, and a 2.25 ounce jar of Dye-Na-Flow fabric paint. If you have textile detergent at home, wash your garment in the detergent as it’ll aid in taking the dye well. Fill your plastic bag with the Dye Na Flow paint, and add just a little water. Seal the bag and shake it to mix. If you’re looking for a marbled texture like my dress, add more water. If you’re interested in a solid dye hue, add less (just a few drops).

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    1 & 2. Take your dress and evenly dip the skirt hem into the bag, maneuvering it so half of the skirt is submerged in dye. Leave the skirt in the dye for a few minutes. Be careful to protect the rest of the dress from the dye. 3. Once done, lay your dress out on a covered surface and in the sun to dry. For a marbled texture, crinkle the skirt up a bit – the dye will dry unevenly. If you’d like the dye more even, flatten the skirt as much as possible. 4. When the dress is dry, it’s time to heat set the fabric using an iron. Move the dry iron over the entire dyed area and let it rest for several moments at the heat setting specific to your fabric (read the label for prescribed heat settings).

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    And that’s all for this project! When washing your dyed dress or skirt for the first time, I recommend using textile detergent. If you don’t have any, a gentle wash with cold water and like colors will do.