Cut Out + Keep

Fishy Pillowcase

dress up a pillowcase • Posted by Chelsea K.

It's a square fish! School assignment was to make a simple pillow case. I really wanted to expand my creative abilities so I came up with this. A little weird but my cat loves it.

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2 h 00


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Medium 100 0677 1204858469 Medium 100 0679 1204858593


It's a square fish! School assignment was to make a simple pillow case. I really wanted to expand my creative abilities so I came up with this. A little weird but my cat loves it.


  1. Small 6120

    what you want is you base flannel(yellow 1 yard) 4 fish fin shaped pieces(blue) and 4 pieces for your back fin(pink. I used the polka dots as decoration for the tail. You can make the pieces any size you want.

  2. Small 6121

    Next you take an old pillow case and trace it leaving a 1 inch seam allowance. You also need 2 pieces for the end of you pillow case this is where the fins are attached. don't attach your end pieces yet.

  3. Small 6122

    We're gonna make the fins next. Put pretty ends together and then put batting on top. sew together leaving a spot open to turn it inside out. You preferably want the opening at the base of the tail You also want to do this with the fins or like me stuff them!

  4. Small 6123

    Take your two end pieces and sew on your tail fin. I added snaps to keep the fins together and the pillow in. do this on both of the end pieces

  5. My image is too big to fit so I'm just gonna have to tell you. make a pocket(cut a slit in fabric)for your fins and insert your fin into it. Fold over ends and sew on. Do this for both fins and both tail fins.

  6. Put pretty sides together, watch out for fins, and sew like a normal pillowcase. Your done! Sorry if the instructions suck, it's my first