
11 projects
Very nice!

Kokkola, FI
8 projects
Great project! Thank you for sharing.

Rochdale, England, GB
2 projects
I love it, nice one! x

7 projects
The scales do tend to fold on themselves if the denim isn't really thick, but an iron should help to flatten them out. They shouldn't fall off if you reinforce the stitches enough.

Enfield, England, GB
Oh wow that is actually really cute!!!

Sparta, Tennessee, US
16 projects
How well do the scales wash? I've tried this on a pair of jeans before and the scales ended up warping and eventually fell off.

emmilou w.
Wallasey, England, GB
12 projects
this is a very cool idea...thanks for showing us ^_^

quirky been v.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
8 projects
nice... if you wanted to have this for a mermaid costume, you could just have a longer skirt and use metallic scale print fabric... very awesome.... i would like to see a shirt with that...

2 projects
its a litle ugly but im loving it lmao its very creative! ~it screams dress me up with shiny leggings instead of just plain black dontcha think? ;)

La Celle-sous-Gouzon, Limousin, FR
46 projects
that's great!!

Heather M.
22 projects
love it!!!

Mrs. N
2 projects
very cute! i love new ideas to make jeans skirts! so creative!