Fireflowers Bouquet!

(the pattern for fireflowers is in the How-to I published here while ago =)

Posted by Gone Neko


As I've said, I'm working on the fireflower bouquet for my friend Elisa's wedding... These are the flowers I've finished today... For the stem I used a wood stick: I've painted it with glue and covered it with some greed thread, then I fixed the flower to one extremity with thread and glue (I hope it does'n fall down!!!)
I don't know I many others flowers I'll have to make, because I want the bouquet to be beautiful, so I think I'll just make a lot of them...

Oh, does anybody know if there's a rule about the numbers of flowers of the bouquet????? My mom told me it has to be uneven or it brings misfortune... (I don't believe in luck, I don't care about traditions, but it's not my wedding, so...)


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Sticks
  • Cotton Thread orange, yellow, blue, green and red
  • Vinyl Glue