Cut Out + Keep

Finnick Odair Amigurumi

The hottest thing to come out of District 4! • Posted by HotPinkCrayola

Finnick Odair from the Hunger Games Trilogy (Books 2 and 3) which I made for my little sister’s birthday (I say little – she turned 20 on Sunday!). For those of you not familiar with Finnick, he is a former Hunger Games champion from a water based District (District 4) and the ‘clothes’ (term used loosely!) I’ve made him in are from the opening ceremony where he wears just a net and carries a trident. Fisherman, gettit? He’s by far the funniest character in the book, and my sister and I both have a mini lit-crush on him. Finnick is one of my base edits using the Basic Amigurumi human Base available as a How To on my profile or at my blog.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


7 h 00


Medium 240820121591 Medium 240820121592 Medium 240820121593 Medium 260820121619


Finnick Odair from the Hunger Games Trilogy (Books 2 and 3) which I made for my little sister’s birthday (I say little – she turned 20 on Sunday!). For those of you not familiar with Finnick, he is a former Hunger Games champion from a water based District (District 4) and the ‘clothes’ (term used loosely!) I’ve made him in are from the opening ceremony where he wears just a net and carries a trident. Fisherman, gettit? He’s by far the funniest character in the book, and my sister and I both have a mini lit-crush on him. Finnick is one of my base edits using the Basic Amigurumi human Base available as a How To on my profile or at my blog.
