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Finger Knitted Scarf And Necklace

I love finger knitting! • Posted by Boo_its_Brittany

Finger knitting is SO simple. I wanna learn how to REALLY knit, haha and some day I will. XD I tried finger knitting out and I'm happy I did. I love the outcome. I loved the look of the scarf, how it looked chain link ish, so I used the same method to make a necklace. :] I love it. (Both were made out of leftover yarn from my braided yarn falls :P I still have a whole ball of this stuff. Haha)

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 40


Pretty Easy
Medium diythirty Medium diytwentynine Medium diytwentyeight Medium diytwentyeightaction


Finger knitting is SO simple. I wanna learn how to REALLY knit, haha and some day I will. XD I tried finger knitting out and I'm happy I did. I love the outcome. I loved the look of the scarf, how it looked chain link ish, so I used the same method to make a necklace. :] I love it. (Both were made out of leftover yarn from my braided yarn falls :P I still have a whole ball of this stuff. Haha)
