Cut Out + Keep

Finger Knitted Bracelet :)

fun to make and great friendship bracelets • Posted by Little P.

great fun to make and quite easy too hope you like !!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium imageasdfghjkl1222sdfghjkl   1302808248 Medium imageasdfghjkl   1302808240


great fun to make and quite easy too hope you like !!


  1. Small imagesdfghj 1302808351

    first take the thread and hang it over the crack in your thumb (hope this makes sense)

  2. Small imagedfghjkhghgh 1302808490

    then with the longest end (the one attached to the ball if you havent cut it off) wrap it round thumb twice DONT COMMENT ON MA NECKLACE !! :L:L

  3. Small image1234567890   1302808580

    then pull the first stitch over the last one like this <----

  4. Small imagemjnhghf 1302808640

    then pull it tight

  5. Small imagefgfghh 1302808653

    keep going and wala a funky bracelet