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Finger Knit Scarf (Multicolour)

Finger knit scarf • Posted by Jacqueline W.

I finger knit using some leftover yarn. This scarf was about 8 feet long, when you wrap it a few times it looks full. I joined the ends to make a circle. If you want to learn to finger knit there are some great YouTube videos, I found this one most helpful:

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium finished scarf 1 1314967751 Medium single strand 1314967764 Medium me wearing scarf 1 1314967780


I finger knit using some leftover yarn. This scarf was about 8 feet long, when you wrap it a few times it looks full. I joined the ends to make a circle. If you want to learn to finger knit there are some great YouTube videos, I found this one most helpful:
