Cut Out + Keep

Fimo Fun!

Pandas and Roses and Riceballs - Oh my! • Posted by katcar~

Just some charms i made for fun... i love the panda! <3 the rose was inspired by BirdyLove..'s Alejandro ring, and the riceball is because Fruits Basket is one of my top 3 animes. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn0106 1280954326 Medium dscn0107 1280954377 Medium dscn0112 1280954547


Just some charms i made for fun... i love the panda! <3 the rose was inspired by BirdyLove..'s Alejandro ring, and the riceball is because Fruits Basket is one of my top 3 animes. :)
