Cut Out + Keep

Festive Pompom Wreath

Pompom Noel • Posted by Search Press

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2018 09 12 110447 wreath 006 Medium 2018 09 12 110447 wreath detail 002



  1. Make up about 50 pompoms across all the sizes and shades of green. Trim into neat balls and place to one side. To speed up the making process, you can double up the yarn and use two balls of wool at the same time. If you wind four strands of yarn at once, you will fill the pompom makers in no time.

  2. Place the styrofoam ring on to the felt, flat side down, and mark round it with chalk. Remove the ring and add a 1cm (⅜in) seam allowance to the inner and outer lines. Cut out the felt using fabric scissors. This will form a backing to the finished wreath and hide the inner workings.

  3. Cover the white ring in strips of green cotton. Wrap the pieces round the ring until you have concealed the white. Secure the ends of the strips by hand sewing onto the ring using green embroidery thread.

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    Now comes the fun part! Arrange the pompoms round the ring and work out a rough positioning. Mix all the sizes and colours to create depth and texture. When you are happy with the overall shape, attach the pompoms to the covered ring using the long, large-eyed sewing needle and green embroidery thread. Do not be afraid to sew directly through the ring itself. Continue until the ring is covered. 5 
To finish, make a large bow from the red satin ribbon and tie it round the bottom of the ring. Trim the ends of the ribbon into a fork shape. Sew a loop of green satin ribbon to the rear at the top of the wreath to allow it to hang. Conceal the raw workings at the rear of the wreath by gluing the pre-cut felt to the back. Hang the wreath to your door and be the envy of your neighbours! A flat-backed styrofoam ring is ideal for hanging against a flat surface, and makes a sturdy base for the pompoms.