Festive Crown

Sparkly tiara for a festive occasion

Posted by tiffany.shaye


Floral headband made from synthetic fabrics and hot glue !


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Hot Glue
  • Scraps of synthetic Fabrics
  • Candles
  • Glitter Glue
  • Sparkles
  • Fabric Butterfly

Steps (7 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    Cut small circles varying in size from the fabrics, I've used a nylon lining and a polyester chiffon. Light your candle, holding the circles, one at a time, above the flame melt around the edges to prevent fraying and curl to a petal shape.

  2. 2

    Stack the finished circled to create desired abstract flowers, stitch in the middle of each flower.

  3. 3

    Lay them all out with the head band and plan the layout.

  4. 4

    Using hot glue attach each flower along the headband.

  5. 5

    Using your chosen embellishments, I've used a butterfly and sparklies, attach with hot glue in the desired placement, I've used the sparkles on the flower centres.

  6. 6

    Kindy Glitz BEST GLITTER GLUE EVER!!!!!

  7. 7

    Run the glitter around the edges of the petals or where ever else you want sparkles. Leave to dry for and hour or two depending how much glitter you've used. Wear and Enjoy !