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felting wool • Posted by k!m

okay so this is my first attempt at making a "how-to" guide so id like to say sorry in advanced if its not helpful at all (im actually rather horrible at explaining things xp) buuuut i think this is really simple and i hope that this might help or give you guys an idea of how to felt. soo without further ado...

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okay so this is my first attempt at making a "how-to" guide so id like to say sorry in advanced if its not helpful at all (im actually rather horrible at explaining things xp) buuuut i think this is really simple and i hope that this might help or give you guys an idea of how to felt. soo without further ado...


  1. Small 018 1234234403

    first off you <i><u>need</i></u> to buy a felting needle/tool i dont suggest buying just the needles because accidents happen and these needle are extremely sharp!

  2. Small 020 1234234502

    oh and no you cannot just use any plain simple needle to do this (trust me i tried xp ) felting needles have special barbs in them which help the tiny wool fibers to interlock with eachother

  3. Small 022 1234234904

    next you need a felting block <b>or</b> if your cheap like me ;] then find a styrofoam block but make sure its big enough because this is like our base that we're gonna be stabbing with our needle. you dont want to break a needle by stabbing it into the table

  4. Small 065 1234235492

    last thing you need to buy now is the roving wool which you can find at your local crafts store

  5. Small 029 1234235727

    ok so now that we have everything get wool and pull a piece off (not too big not too little this is just a practice thing) then place it on your felting block

  6. Small 030 1234235912

    with your needle you start to stab the piece of wool in a vertical (up & down) motion *try not to stab at an angle because this could break your needle

  7. Small 034 1234236115

    once you've stabbed most of the wool flip it over and stab it some more it doesnt look like anything yet but once the fibers start to lock into eachother it begins to get a bit more stiff *dont stab it tooo much remember you want to be able to still pull it off your block

  8. Small 033 1234237268

    just keep stabbing... just keep stabbing...

  9. Small 042 1234236369

    as your stabbing away at that piece of wool start to bring/pull the edges into that wool-y center im not sure how to explain this :/ but its like your sculpting the wool with the needle bunching the wool into a somewhat more solid shape ? <- in these pics im just doing a simple circle

  10. Small 052 1234237229

    when you have a pretty solid shape take it off the felting block. it looks fuzzy with stray fibers right? this is what i do: for a flat piece - rub your hands together until its warm and then rub the piece between your hands..until its warm it smooths most of it down for a 3D-ish shaped piece - just use a small pair of scissors and cut the fuzz off

  11. Small 018 1234237428

    finished! you can make these into any shape you want, any size, any color if you have any questions comment/message me and i'll get back to ya as sooon as i can ;D