A quick simple project for easter
This technique is very easy! Just wrap the wool around the styrofoam egg and stab it repeatedly with the felting needle until desired degree of felting is reached (mine are quite firm). Just watch - your - fingers!! Trust me, that needle is wicked sharp. Ask me how I know. ;)
It's a quick project too - after a little while I only needed about 10 minutes to complete each egg. (They are quite small, about 1,5 cm in height.) I keep mine in a bowl, but they could just as well be hanging from something. My mom will get some for christmas I think!
Kayla G. commented on Felted Easter Eggs 05 Oct 22:46
Made By Eva posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Kayla G.
one word... ADORABLE!!!!

Made By Eva
Norway, Maine, US
16 projects
It's styrofoam - the ingredient list changed it to polystyrene for me... You need something for the felt to get tangled in. I used the same technique to make my felted robins!

Is this wool wrapped around plastic eggs? Great idea!

Wellington, Wellington, NZ
6 projects
how to is demanded!

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
they are cute