• Posted by Sterling Publishing
Finished size 11⁄4 inches (3.2 cm) tail
Finished size 11⁄4 inches (3.2 cm) tail
Felt a peanut shape that measures 11⁄4 inches (3.2 cm) tall from brown roving. Create an indent to define the HEAD and BODY: make the head section about half the size of the body section.
Felt an oval shaped layer of light brown roving to the belly of the squirrel’s body.
Take a small amount of brown roving and fold it in half three or four times. Roll it between your fingers, and shape it into a tiny ARM for the squirrel. Felt it in place on the squirrel’s body. Create the other arm and two FEET shapes, and attach them to the body.
Roll two brown pieces half the length of the arms and attach them to the squirrel’s head for EARS.
Roll two tiny bits of dark brown roving between your fingers to create EYES for the squirrel. Felt these in place on either side of the head.
For the TAIL, pull off small amounts of brown roving and lay them together, forming points at either end. Create a firm tuft about 4 inches (10.2 cm) long, but don’t felt it. Fold this piece in half and twist the two pointed ends together, forming a tail shape. Felt the flat end a bit to hold it together and attach this end to the base of the squirrel.