Cut Out + Keep

Felt Wheat Bread Slices

Stitch some bread. • Posted by KMOM14

This is based on the following pattern and tutorial.

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0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium fb 2bfinsihed


This is based on the following pattern and tutorial.


  1. Small fb 2btan 2bfelt

    Cut out 4 pieces of bread pattern (on the top slice I cut more into the sides to give it more definition - the first one I made, the one on the bottom, is more square.

  2. Small fb 2b 2bhalf 2binch 2bbrown

    Cut a pieces of brown felt 14 inches x 1/2 inch for each slice of bread (the original tutorial advised to cut diagonally a 12"x12" piece, but I just pieced mine together instead).

  3. Small fb 2bbatting

    In the original tutorial the pieces are stuffed with fiberfill, I just used 1 layer of quilt batting for each slice of bread.

  4. Small fb 2bhand 2bstitched

    Hand stitch the brown edges to one bread side and then the other, right sides together, leaving enough of an opening to turn the layers inside out, then stitch down the layer of batting to one side then turn inside out and stitch the opening closed.